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Free To Be Me Collection


What's holding you hostage, keeping you shackled and bound, unable to pursue your dreams, and be who God has called you to be? Like so many others, you may have found yourself stuck more times that you’d like to remember – in your spiritual life, your career, your relationships and even your finances. Like millions of people you may want to go deepen your relationship with God, go back to school, pursue a new career, start a business, pay off your debt, or even write a book. Now is the time for you to accomplish every goal that you have dared to dream. It’s time to identify what has you mentally bound to the point where you can’t move forward. As you journey through this thing called life, you will encounter many situations that will make you feel stuck, at the very moments when you should be moving forward into your destiny. You will experience situations that will demand you to abandon the familiar and take a leap of faith into the unfamiliar. You will be tempted to stay stuck between “no longer” and “not yet” because you have become so comfortable in your old way of living, speaking and even thinking. You’ve allowed yourself to stay stuck for way too long. It’s time to be FREE from “what was” so that you can achieve your goals and be who God created you to be. In this book, Felica Thompson encourages the reader to identify the areas of their life that have held them hostage, and be willing to put in the necessary work to set themselves FREE! This journey won’t always be a pleasant one. It will require much needed introspection and change. However, your willingness to go through the pain in order to BE FREE to be YOU will be so worth it!

Stolen Moments Collection


Book 1 ~~ Wasting Your Time


So many people waste their Time, ARE YOU WASTING YOURS?

Stolen Moments Bible Study Series, “Wasting Your Time” will help you examine closely what you do with your time, learn how to be more intentional about how you spend your time, and who you spend it with. Time is precious, so the lessons are short because my desire is for you to complete the study. I don’t want you to feel bound by time constraints, so this study can be completed at your own pace. It can be done individually, with a friend, or group. However, you choose to complete it, I just pray that you do it and enjoy your journey as you grow in Christ.

Completing this Bible Study will take faithfulness and discipline. YOU CAN DO IT! While each lesson will focus on an aspect of time, each lesson contains and is followed by scriptures to study and meditate on. Apply what you learn in the lessons to your life. Reading and studying the scripture will not be enough for you to grow spiritually. Pass on what you’ve learned to others. When God has blessed you to experience growth, it’s not just for you. Let’s be about our Father’s business and PASS IT ON!

Book 2 ~~ Reclaiming Your Time

Maybe you are like me and many others who have noticed that we were wasting time doing things that really didn’t matter or contribute to our God ordained destinies. It’s okay! Now is the time to learn from those lessons and move forward.

This second book in the Stolen Moments Bible Study Series, “Reclaiming Your Time” is filled with lessons that will help you move forward, moving pass those things that challenged you when you “wasted your time.” I pray that you examine closely what you do with your time and learn how to be intentional about how you move forward.

While in the process of reclaiming your time, it is essential that you focus on being “present in the moment.” So many times, our physical bodies are in a location, but our minds are not present in that moment. During these times we miss many opportunities and experiences because we are not fully present. Don’t miss out on what God puts right in front of you. Enjoy your journey by being present for each moment that God allows you to experience.

I understand you are busy, and my desire is for you to complete the study, so the lessons are short. This was intentional, you see, I don’t want you to feel bound by time constraints. This study can be completed at our own pace individually, with a friend or with a group. However, you choose to complete it, I pray that you enjoy the process. Thank you for allowing me to take this journey with you. – Felica

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©2025 FT Ministries, LLC. ~~ Rev. Felica R. Thompson

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