Reverend Felica Raines Thompson currently serves as the Missionary Supervisor of the Mid-Atlantic Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, which consists of the Allegheny, Barbados, East Tennessee & Virginia, Guyana, Ohio, Philadelphia & Baltimore, St. Vincent, and Virginia Conferences. In this role, she works alongside her husband, the Right Reverend Brian R. Thompson, Sr., the 106th Bishop in the line of succession of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and Presiding Prelate of the Mid-Atlantic Episcopal District.
Education and Early Career
Rev. Thompson's journey in education and ministry began with her pursuit of higher learning. She earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Education from St. Augustine's University in Raleigh, North Carolina. Her passion for education led her to begin her career as a High School Business Education teacher and Varsity Cheerleading Coach with Wake County Public Schools in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Continuing her commitment to education and spiritual growth, Rev. Thompson is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity degree with a focus on Christian Leadership and Church Ministries at Liberty University.
Ministry and Ordination
Rev. Thompson's call to ministry was affirmed when she preached her trial sermon in September 2002 at Simon Temple A.M.E. Zion Church. Her dedication and spiritual growth led to her ordination as a Deacon in January 2006, followed by her Elder's ordination in January 2008.
From 2008 to 2021, she faithfully served as Women’s Ministry Director at Simon Temple A.M.E. Zion Church alongside her husband. During this time, she founded and directed the Women of Excellence Ministry, where she taught Bible Study, led Women's and Wives' Empowerment Sessions, and organized numerous conferences and retreats to edify the women of Simon Temple and the Fayetteville community.​
Community Activist and Involvement
Executive Board Member of the Women's Home & Overseas Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Member of the Assembly of Christian Educators
Former National Co-Director of Young Adults in Christian Ministry (YACM)
Life Member of the Ministers' Spouses & Widows(ers) Fellowship of the A.M.E. Zion Church
Member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Member of the National Council of Negro Women
Member of the NAACP
Past Board Member of the Child Advocacy Center of Cumberland County in Fayetteville, NC
Authorship and Media
Author of "Free To Be Me"
Author of "Free To Be Me Workbook: So You're Free, Now What?"
Author of the "Stolen Moments" Bible Study Series, Volumes I and II
10+ years of experience as a Radio Talk Show Host and Podcaster
Creator and Facilitator of the Free To Be Me Virtual Book Club, which meets twice a month for Bible Study and prayer
Awards and Honors
Recipient of The Old North State Award
ACHI Magazine Non-Profit of the Year Award
Rev. Felica R. Thompson is married to the Right Reverend Brian R. Thompson, Sr. They are the proud parents of Alexis and Brian, II.